Kempen Kasih Sayang 2022 💖 #FamilyStore #33rdAnniversaryEvent 🎉【三十三载,感谢有你】🎊【家家购物中心33周年感恩回馈活动圆满结束】🎉


In conjunction with the 33rd anniversary, the Family Store offered thoughtful care by giving back to our beloved #WargaEmas in the community.

Dear our valued customers 💌 

We are beyond grateful for such an overwhelming participation in the #Giveaway and warm reception of the event! 🥰 

To celebrate this #Milestone of our 33 years serving you, we have given away #FamilyStoreVouchers to our cherished old folks customers started from April 19, 2022 at our 11 participating #FamilyStore branches 😍

We were thrilled with the overwhelming response we received as we allocated 100 vouchers per branch for each session. We have increased the number of vouchers giveaway to ensure the beloved old folks customers who queue up without empty hands.

There are more than 2000 customers who have received the vouchers, customers can shop for their household or groceries items at Family Store. We hope this activity & small gesture can provide little help & support during these hard times 💪💓

In short, the event was a great success and of course, with the support provided by our dear customers 👴🧓 We will continue to give back to society, especially to our #NeighborhoodCommunities that have always been with us throughout these 33 years. 

Thank you everyone, and we look forward to serving you better, for many years to come! 🛒🌟

Happy #33rdAnniversary to Family Store! 🥳🥳🥳


💙 33年很长,那是三分之一个世纪;
💙 33年又很短,它只够一家企业醉心于做好一件事。
💙 2022年,家家购物中心迎来了第33个年头,

🎉 为了庆祝这个里程碑,于4月19日起,我们在森美兰洲的11间分行个别举办了 ”感恩相伴,回馈客户“ 的33周年回馈活动。每位逾70岁以上的乐龄人士,不分种族,都能以身份证登记并获取RM50令吉的家家购物礼卷。


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#FamilyStore #KempenKasihSayang #FSCares #CSR #FSCelebrates #FSAnniversaryEvent #ThankYouNote #Giveaway

Participating Branches:
#FamilyStoreTamanTuankuJaafar (TTJ)
#FamilyStorePortDickson (Teluk Kemang)
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